1st Year Term 1 2011 W Review

These are the courses that I have taken in term 1 when I was just starting UBC

BIOL 121:

Genetics, Evolution and Ecology

This is an introductory course on Ecology, Genetics and Evolution. I really liked the Genetics portion of the course and that was pretty much it. Contents taught in Ecology and Evolution was just too plain and were very picky on the marks (exams were all written). This course really can be different based on which prof you get, so I highly recommend that you do some searchings beforehand. This is also the course that I spent the most time on, but it turns out that I didn't have to. It assigns you a lot of pre-readings but only 20% of the materials were examinable. All the readings took me whole Saturday and I regret doing all the readings when I was done with the course; in fact, you can probably do decent on this course just by studying the materials covered during the lectures.

CHEM 121:

Structural Chemistry, with Application to Chemistry of the Elements

I don't really have any bad memories with this course. This course is awesome in the aspect that you are ONLY responsible for the materials covered in the custom textbook. I did see some students not doing well on their midterms, but I also saw people rescuing their marks at the end. The lab can be tedious but I think this course prepares you well for the 2nd year Chemistry courses.

CHIN 101:

Basic Chinese I: Part 1 (Non-Heritage)

I took this as an elective. I hated how I had to go Mon/Tues/Thurs and Friday. This course demands some time commitment as it is heavy with skits, chapter quizzes, chapter tests, assignments, oral exams etc. However, if you keep up with the material, this course is dead easy. The only thing I didn't like is that this course scales your mark at the end; I think it is their policy just giving 1 A+ (or none if there are many students with the highest mark) per section. If you are looking for a GPA booster (90+), then I really recommend that you take GERM 100
ENGL 112:

Strategies for University Writing

I hated this course so much. I really think that all the courses were worth taking it to some extent but not this one. I literally learned nothing in this class. I think it's because of the professor. She (I think her name was Dreher) was a wonderful human being but I don't think she was an effective instructor. I handed in my research paper without learning anything and she gave me C- on the report. I was penalized in not having the correct citations, but I didn't even learn what MLA style was... I really blame the prof for the lowest mark I have ever gotten in UBC. What I would recommend though, take this course in conjunction with BIOL 140; this way, you will learn enough about the citation (though they have different style) when you are writing your paper.

MATH 102:

Differential Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences

This course was easy because I had taken AP Calculus in high school. If you keep up with the assignments that they give you, you will do fine in this course. I didn't really like the lab part though, but it was a good way to learn data handling and TAs are there to help you anyways. This course has an online text book and if you are stuck on one concept, you can always refer to it and get help.


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