3rd Year Term 2 Review

BIOL 260 - Fundamentals of Physiology class average = 74

It was a good course. All I had to do were attend the lectures, understand all the concepts and the questions proposed in class. The instructors have passion in teaching and were very effective in demonstrating the course material. This course has 2 midterms and a final exam, but if you do better on the later exams, then they will omit the exams that you did poorly on - so you always have a chance to do better. I learned much about the introductory level understanding of ion transport mechanism and the action potential. The only bad thing about this course is that all the questions are written - my wrist would hurt after the first few questions :(

BIOL 335 - Molecular Genetics  class average = 69

This course has two parts. The first half you learn about techniques and the later half you learn about developmental biology. The course is really interesting but it is really different from what you would expect from BIOL 234 - I really struggled in this course. The questions are very tricky in that I had combined average of 60% for the 2 midterms. I was able to redeem myself in the final exam, but my advice is that you should try to score better in the midterm exams if possible. The final exam is ridiculously difficult in that the midterm questions would seem super easy. Try to get a very helpful TA if you have the luxury to choose between tutorial sections :) I would say that this course was the hardest course I've taken in UBC so far.

CAPS 391 - Introduction to Gross Human Anatomy class average = 73

It is a good course but I wouldn't recommend it if you are not interested in human anatomy. Dr.Alimmohamedi teaches in the winter session and he always strives to make the course interesting. However, the amount that you have to memorize is way too much to handle (Especially the muscle portion!). The exams are quite straight forward ONLY IF you memorized all the details.

CLST 301 - The Technical Terms of Medicine and Biological Science class average = 71

This course focuses on the etymology of the scientific terms.I would highly recommend it as an elective if there was not a research assignment (4% of the course). This course may be a bit difficult if you take it in 1st or 2nd year, but I think by the time you reach 3rd and 4th year, you would know many terms that you could easily relate to when you memorize the terms. It wasn't too hard for me to memorize the terms because I was taking it concurrently with Anatomy. This course is chill in that you are only responsible of knowing 11 modules of vocabs and that there are only 10 lectures. There are 6 tutorials with quizzes every week but if you keep up with memorization, it won't be a concern. Also, the performance on the Exam is directly related to how well you write down the notes in class, so go to all the lectures!

MICB 201 - Introductory Environmental Microbiology class average = 71

I was reluctant to take this course because I hated MICB 202 (The reason why I switched out from MICB to BIOL). The reason why I chose MICB 201 over BIOL 210 or BIOL 204 is that I hate labs more than MICB haha. I would say that the exam questions are way harder for MICB 201 when compared to 202, but the course material was a lot more interesting. You have 2 exams for this course (non cumulative). The first half deals with molecular biology and the later half deals with environmental microbiology and redox reactions. After taking this course, I got more interested in biotechnology - maybe I liked it because I like molecular biology in general. However, it turns out that not many people actually like this course, so I wouldn't recommend it as an elective - Don't take it if you don't have to :)


  1. Hi Peter, are non-CAPS students allowed to take CAPS courses?


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